Earthview is registered by the National Environment Management Authority - NEMA as an environmental firm. The team members are also individually registered EIA experts. The Company and its personnel have extensive experience in carrying out environmental assessments (Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Audits, Risk Assessments & Strategic Environmental and Social Impact Assessments) and in the development of associated management plans. Such assessments have been carried out for various clients (both local and international) in all parts of the country and abroad, most recently in Somaliland. Earthview has and will continue to provide its clients with internationally-rated quality products.
Strategic Environmental & Social Assesment
We are well-equipped for socio-economic surveys and Social Impact Assessments. The personnel involved with Earthview have vast experience in conducting appraisals in social and related fields. The firm has experts capable of conducting quantitative and statistical analyses of large amounts of data collected from field assessments.